
<== Site Review (2017-11-01) ==>


Notel from Loveland has designed modular sleeping systems for cars and trucks. The system includes a cot frame that you can place across the passenger seat to create an elevated sleeping space.

Considering the obscene price of hotels these days, one can pay for the system in just one or two trips.

They are running a Kickstarter Campaign that ends on 2017-11-24. The widget below has the details:

Discover more Kickstarter Campaigns from Colorado.

The one problem I have with their design is that the system elevates the sleeper and everyone can see that there is a person sleeping in the care. During college, I built a plywood system that put me just below the window. Invariably police would come knocking on the window.

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Site NameNotel
Review History2017-11-01
Category Fort Collins Color: Sporting Goods
Page Views3345
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